Pinterest – A New Social Media Trend

Pinterest is the latest trend in social media. It may be too soon to see whether or not it can help your business grow.

Only personal accounts are allowed by invite at the moment but you can promote your business products on your personal page.

Pinterest works essentially like a vision board. You “pin” images/links to your board of things that have tweaked your interest. Then you can organize and share them with others.

They can be used as vision boards, to plan weddings or events or keep track of things you would like to decorate your home with.

Pinterest says that best of all you get to see what others are sharing on their pinboards so you can discover new things and get inspiration.

Google Ad Planner shows that 82% of the users are female with incomes between $25,000 and $75,000.

Some large companies have held contests using Pinterest. Visitors are asked to create pinboards featuring their products.

I think one of the best ways to use Pinterest may be to take advantage of the ability to add a “Pin It” button to your website which will allow Pinterest users to easily add a link to your website on their board. You can get all of the buttons Here.

When you are blogging, be sure to include an image that will grab visitor’s attention. That’s what will get posted to the board.

Are any of you using Pinterest?

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